Our Top Ten Sleep Tips

Our Top Ten Sleep Tips

We all know sleep is important for our health and well-being, but sometimes it’s hard to get enough restful sleep. That’s why sleep hygiene is so important! Sleep hygiene refers to the habits that help us get quality sleep on a regular basis. Here are 10 points you should keep in mind when trying to practice good sleep hygiene:


#1 Have a consistent sleep schedule

A regular sleep schedule can help you get better quality sleep and feel more energised during the day. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, so your body gets used to this routine.


#2 Choose the right bedding

The right bedding can make all the difference when it comes to getting a good night's rest. A mattress, pillow and sheets that are comfortable and supportive will help you sleep more soundly. Also, consider getting a mattress topper for extra cushioning and comfort.

Opt for bedding made from natural fibres like cotton or bamboo. These materials are more breathable and help keep body temperature regulated during the night, leading to a better sleep experience.


#3 Keep your bedroom cool and dark

A cool, dark bedroom is the ideal spot for getting a good night's sleep. It's been proven that cooler temperatures help the body relax and fall asleep faster. If your room tends to get stuffy at night, use a fan or open a window to let in some fresh air. As for darkness, blackout curtains can do wonders to block out light. You could also consider a sleep eye mask.


#4 Limit noise

Noise can be a real sleep stealer, so try to keep noise levels low. If you're bothered by outside noise, invest in some earplugs or sound-proof your bedroom with rugs and curtains. You could also use white noise machines or smartphone apps that play soothing sounds like ocean waves and rain to help lull you into a peaceful slumber.


#5 Get plenty of natural light during the day

A good circadian rhythm is essential for getting a good night's sleep. Natural light helps to stimulate your circadian rhythms and cues the body that it’s time to be awake and alert during the day. So, try to get outdoors as much as possible - whether that’s taking a short walk around the block or having lunch in the park.


#6 Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption

Caffeine can make it difficult to sleep, even if you’ve had it earlier in the day. If cutting out caffeine is not an option for you (we get it!,) try avoiding it from 3pm onwards.

Alcohol may help you fall asleep initially but will interrupt your sleep later on in the night, leading you to feel unrested in the morning.


#7 Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly can have a huge impact on your sleep health and wellbeing. Not only does it help to regulate the body’s internal clock, but it also increases deep and restorative sleep. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week and try not to do any vigorous exercise too close to bedtime.


#8 Reduce screen time before bed

The blue light from our phones, tablets and other devices can interfere with sleep patterns, so try not to use them too close to bedtime or during the night. If you do, consider using a blue light filter for your device or investing in blue light blocking glasses.


#9 Manage stress

Stress can keep us awake at night, so try to create a calming environment before bedtime and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga to help manage any anxiety.

Always keep a pen and paper next to your bed. If you think of something you need to do or a problem you need to solve, jot it down. Then release the thought and let your mind rest, knowing that you won't forget anything important.


#10 Talk to your doctor

If you’re struggling with insomnia or daytime drowsiness, talk to your doctor about ways they can help.



In conclusion, quality sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. To get a good night's rest, it’s important to create a comfortable sleeping environment and develop habits that encourage a peaceful slumber.


Sleep Well!